Audio/Visual (A/V) technology is integral part of our church’s ministry and worship experience. Every week we our Production Team bring together Faithlife Proclaim church presentations, Wirecast live video streaming, HD Camera and a X32 Digital sound mixing console so that we can provide a Video Simulcasts of our church service to our social hall, our Game-multipurpose youth room and a YouTube live stream.

Top Benefits of this ministry are:
  • To Serve the Homebound

If church members are not able to attend Sunday services in person, Live streaming of our church services can help people feel more connected to our church community, especially through their toughest times.

  • Bypass Space Limitations
In-person church services were our Sanctuary usually Limits to 70 people, Video Simulcasts solutions can make our space bigger by allowing us to expand into our social hall and if necessary to out Game room. 
  • To Expand Our Reach

Live streaming is one of the best ways to expand our audience and the video-on-demand part of our YouTube channel allows new community members access our church service. We can reach potential members without making them feel any pressure to commit.

  • To Connect with the Youth

Live broadcasting can also reach younger people from outside of our community. Many people search for churches or communities online that can make them feel part of a group. 

We always need volunteers to help with this ministry.

Please Consider Joining our Production Team.

 Training can be done in a short time before or after church service and shadowing is available.