ECO – An Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians
We are part of ECO, a Presbyterian denomination largely made up of churches coming out of the PC-USA. ECO was formed in January of 2012 in response to “growing denominational disputes over theology and bureaucracy [that were stealing] focus from the pastoral calling of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping a new generation to lead.”
ECO is less a denomination, and more a movement of churches seeking renewal, and ever more powerful ways of witnessing to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. For our theological distinctives.
Want to Learn More About ECO!
Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians has designed an ECO information series to help leaders, sessions, and congregation members have a better understanding of the culture, vision, and expectation of those churches that choose to make ECO their denominational home.
The ECO Polity, in The Constitution, outlines our behavioral and theological essentials and requires that all officers “receive, adopt, and be bound by” these essentials tenets.
Browse our resource library! The following material is meant to help your church refocus its energy, health, and vitality now that you are part of the growing movement of ECO churches.